Increase the density + Reduce Your Environmental Footprint + Eliminating expensive equipment + Slash Cooling Costs with Submer Immersion Cooling
Submer’s immersion cooling works by submerging the servers into the cooling pod. The pods are filled with dielectric coolant which is non-conductive and non-flammable. These systems offer Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) ratios of 1.03 or better. Meanwhile, most air-cooled data centers have a PUE of about 1.8 to 2.0. Resulting in greater efficiencies and savings for you in the long run.
The MicroPod
Submer’s edge-ready, plug-and-play, data center in-a-box solution delivers high-density and efficient infrastructure anywhere. Most importantly, the MicroPod fits in a variety of applications ranging from an industrial manufacturing facility to a medical facility.
Immersion cooling provides a diverse range of benefits and has shown significant financial returns after implementation. Let’s take a look at some key benefits your facility could see when implementing immersion cooling into your operations.
MicroPod Benefits

Low Energy Footprint
In a traditional data center, cooling is responsible for about 40% of the electricity consumption. With the MicroPod, Submer allows you to achieve a low energy footprint in any outdoor-only or outdoor-indoor configuration.

Save 25-40% on Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Submer allows you to save 25%-40% on your TCO, which translates into substantial savings on CAPEX (Design, Real Estate, Construction, IT hardware, Cables, Cooling, Piping, etc.) and OPEX (Electricity & Maintenance).

Up to 7 kW of Compute Density in a Compact Space
Deploying Submer’s MicroPod technology allows you to dissipate up to 7kW in an unprecedented compact space with flexible IT gear (19-inch, 21-inch OCP, OpenEdge with depths up to 800 mm).

Fast Deployment
Thanks to its modular design, Submer’s MicroPod can be deployed anywhere: in an already existing data center, at the Edge, in a warehouse, in an office, or even outdoors.

+30% in HW Lifespan
One of the most immediate benefits of Submer’s immersion cooling solutions is the prolonged lifespan of the hardware. The SmartCoolant cools and protects the servers in a particulate-free environment, with no whiskers, no moving parts, etc.

-60% in Hardware Failure Rate
The SmartCoolant, the dielectric proprietary fluid used in Submer’s solutions, apart from whisking heat away from the cores, protects the servers and their components from dust, particles, and abrupt changes in temperature and moisture, prolonging the hardware lifespan.

Save 50% on CAPEX Building Costs
Submer’s solutions are rapidly deployable in raw space without the need for raised floors. They can easily integrate into an already existing data center or warehouse or even into an office with minimum retrofitting. The MicroPod offers a self-contained, ruggedized, and fully-sealed immersion enclosure.

Save 95% on Cooling OPEX
In a data center, about 40% of the electricity is used for the cooling system. Submer’s technology allows to save up to 95% on cooling OPEX (corresponding to about 50% of the electricity bill). With Submer’s solutions, you get highly efficient primary and secondary cooling systems. Besides, your servers consume less since they do not need fans.

Reduce Water Consumption
Water is an essential resource for any data center operation. Our MicroPod greatly reduces water consumption due to the closed loop mechanism in the secondary cooling system, which also helps reduce any fluid evaporation.

Potential Heat Recovery
Submer MicroPod doesn’t simply dissipate heat, it also has the potential to capture, store and reuse it for other purposes, such as the heating of the host data center building or in surrounding urban or rural locations.
Is the MicroPod Right for You?
After reading all of the benefits to immersion cooling, is this new technology right for your data center?
We wouldn’t recommend replacing what is already working for you. But if you’re at the point where you need to replace or upgrade your racks, this is worth looking into. We can help you discover if a Submer immersion cooling option could be integrated into your existing system and help you analyze the long-term cost savings.
If you’re a smaller business or you have an edge situation and you need a plug-and-play data center, the Submer MicroPod could be the answer for you.
At PTI we’re always looking for solutions for our clients to make their jobs easier and their systems more efficient. If you’re looking for a turnkey partner who can help you design solutions for your data center, including the Submer immersion cooling option give us a call or send us a message.