Cellwatch provides battery monitoring solutions. This allowing you to prevent unplanned outages, save money, comply with regulatory requirements, and ensure safety and reliability.
Do you know the lifespan of your batteries?
Have you ever gotten into your car in the morning, only to discover the battery that was fine last night is now completely dead? Now imagine a similar scenario, but in the context of your data center monitoring.
How to Protect Your Data Center Batteries
How can we protect our data center batteries? Generex BACS. The best solution we’ve found to protect data center batteries is using a holistic battery management system. The system you choose should be capable of monitoring and managing all aspects of the infrastructure around the batteries. These include environmental measurements such as: temperature humidity acid …
Four Factors that Affect Data Center Battery Life
Batteries are the life support for your UPS and generator power systems. They protect you during power outages. Power losses are difficult to predict. They can be caused by a number of factors including natural disasters, storms, poor power grid technology, and people. So you say to me, “I have redundancy throughout my data center. …
Monitor Your UPS Batteries the Right Way
Several years ago, my husband and I were on a beautiful lake in central Iowa fishing in a bass tournament. We had decided to go to the back side of this fairly large lake and do a little fishing off the shore line. It was a beautiful day and the fish were biting! That makes …
Battery Management for Today’s Critical Environments Webinar
Watch the Webinar In case you missed our “Battery Management for Today’s Critical Environments Webinar” with Generex on June 30th, 2020, we recorded it. Contact us for any questions you might have about Generex’s unique BACS system. An All-in-One Solution Do you remember the days when you used to leave the house carrying a wallet, …
Battery Management for Today’s Critical Environments WebinarRead More
Preventing Thermal Runaway
Thermal runaway can be dangerous for facilties. Preventative maintenance and monitoring systems can help to prevent thermal runaway.