Make sure your business is not susceptible to downtime by investing in a backup power system. You never need it until you need it.
Webinar: Is Your Data Emergency-Proof?
Join Predictive Technology for a discussion about the need for healthcare facilities to have backup power and emergency plans in place to ensure not only their lights stay on but their data is protected.
Manage Your Data Center with PTI and Vertiv
Vertiv has been in the business of supporting IT infrastructure since 2016, but has a 75-year legacy. While technology has changed drastically during that time, the mission and commitment of Vertiv stays the same.
Cool Your Servers with PTI and Submer
Submer is a leader in creating sustainable and efficient data centers. They specialize in immersion cooling to save space and money.
Monitor Leaks with PTI and RLE
Founded in 1984, RLE Technologies manufactures monitoring equipment for facilities, BMS, environmental, integration, and leak detection.
Monitor Your Batteries with PTI and Generex
German-based company Generex focuses on battery monitoring and management. They offer solutions for monitoring uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), utility, and telecom batteries. The application possibilities are extremely broad and work for many different industries.
Power Your Business with PTI and Eaton
Eaton was founded in the automotive space in 1911, when Joseph Eaton invested in the first gear-driven truck axle. The company has grown in big ways since, and today provides a wide variety of hardware and software solutions that are vital for data centers.
Monitor Your Batteries with PTI and Cellwatch
Cellwatch provides battery monitoring solutions. This allowing you to prevent unplanned outages, save money, comply with regulatory requirements, and ensure safety and reliability.
An Introduction to Data Center Infrastructure
You have probably heard the term data center infrastructure. But do you know everything it encompasses? Here’s a look at the basics. What is Data Center Infrastructure? To provide a simple working definition, data center infrastructure includes every physical piece of a data center facility. This means servers and computers, but also racks, cooling, airflow …
How to Choose a Turnkey Data Center Partner
When you build a house, the general contractor is your one point of contact for the entire project. They are totally responsible for day-to-day oversight of construction, management of vendors and communication between all parties involved. The general contractor makes or breaks the project, so it’s important to choose one who is both skilled and …
Industrial Generator Recommendations for Your Data Center
So you have a battery backup system for your critical facility that you’re actively monitoring. That’s a great start in your data center management plan, but the battery system can only sustain your data center for a limited amount of time. In the case of an extended power outage, an industrial generator is your best …
Industrial Generator Recommendations for Your Data CenterRead More
Two Great Solutions for Data Center Cooling
Have you ever been outside and reached for your smartphone just to find it has overheated and shut down? Servers work the same way when they get too warm. This is why it’s important to manage and monitor your data center airflow cooling.